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New working arrangements post Covid19

Dear customer, I’m preparing to go back to my job, hopefully around the middle of July, when we’ll have a confirmation from the Government. We’re trying to do our best to make you feel comfortable and safe to enjoy treatments.

In the meantime, our workplace has been adapted to follow the new requested rules to respect social distancing arrangements, organise appointments timing (there will be at least 15min between one client and the other), way of payments, cleaning and disinfecting treatment rooms, used materials and common areas. Please be aware that I will wear PPE in order to provide you the treatments.

Please take also good note of the following arrangements for you:

Before appointments please check:

  • if you or any member of your household have any COVID-19 symptoms

  • If you are self-isolating or in quarantine

  • if a member of your household or anyone that you have been in contact with in the last 14 days has COVID-19 symptoms

  • if you are in the high risk group and are shielding

If you answer yes to any of the above mentioned cases, please do not attend the appointment. In case you paid the treatment in advance, you’ll receive a voucher to use in the future.

At appointment time:

  • attend on your own to reduce the risk of additional contact between people

  • try to be precise with the timing, not long before and not later than your appointment time. When you enter, please wait at the entrance until somebody can attend and guide you

  • we’ll ask you to fill in a quick info form before attending the treatment

  • please bring your own mask, this is compulsory in order to receive treatment. Hand gel will be at your disposal, but you can also bring yours. We’ll ask you to wash your hands before the treatment

  • please bring your own water to drink, and your pen if you need to write

  • please note that we are not allowed to shake hands or hug to welcome you

  • maintain a minimum of 2 metres at all times when in the corridor or on the stairs

  • if possible prepay the treatment online, otherwise, there will be an envelope in the treatment room to put in the exact amount of cash

Further updates will be published soon.

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